Legion: The Eternal War Wiki
Welcome to the Official Legion: The Eternal War Wiki
Welcome to the Official Legion: The Eternal War Wiki
The Legion: The Eternal War reference written and maintained by the players.
Please feel free to contribute by creating new articles or expanding on existing ones.

We are currently maintaining 309 pages (30 articles).
Legion: The Eternal War

Legion: The Eternal War is an upcoming game being developed by Nexus Division.

Legion: The Eternal War is an MMORPG in which players create their characters, join alliances, and go to battle in a competitive environment. The fantasy world is wholly original, custom-made, and ready to transport PC gamers to a realm of magic and legend. The game will be filled with entertaining stories, rewarding progression systems, and refined mechanics. All of this is presented to produce a memorable experience highlighted by social interaction and nail-biting tension.

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We are currently maintaining 309 pages (30 articles)!
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